"I feel like I'm 35. I'm playing better than ever. I feel I've worked all my life to get to this point. Now is not the time to quit."
American Musician
1915 -
When does an artist stop learning? According to Frank Glazer who in February turned 97: "Never." He says he is still learning to play the piano. Are you still learning? Are you continuing to grow and develop? What have you learned today? Last week? Last month? What books have your read? What seminars have you attended? What conversations have you had with other artists? You should never stop learning. The older I become, the more I realize what I don't know. I hope that like Frank Glazer I will still be writing, speaking and learning at 97. Don't give up on yourself.
Here is a video clip of Glazer playing the piano and discussing his first public appearance.
(Glazer made this comments in 2010 at the age of 95 to Bill Glauber of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.)
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