Irish Poet, Playwright
1751 - 1816
I have spent the weekend helping my wife transform our yard into several gardens. This is not a normal pastime for us. What gardens we have our daughter created a few years ago. We have a large yard (.9 acre) with lots of trees. I would prefer to live in the woods with no grass. We almost bought a house in the woods in Indiana 27 years ago but it was too small. We want gardens that require very little maintenance.
As artists and creative leaders we are all in a sense gardeners. We plant the seeds of our hopes and dreams in our writings and paintings. We are tilling the soil of our hearts, looking for answers to our questions. We must pull the weeds out of our writing and our painting. We must fertilize the creative soil. And when we are done, we can share the beauty of our creation with others. So this week, be sure to tend the gardens of your creation.
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