"The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want."
American Actor, Writer
1944 -
When I came out of college in 1971, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I had some vague idea about wanting to be a writer, but I had no idea on how to go about it. Remember this long before the personal computer let alone the internet. I was typing my work on a Royal typewriter. The only way to find jobs was through the newspaper and there were not many jobs for want-to-be writers in central Illinois, farm country. It took me four years to find a job writing and then it was an accident. I applied for for a job as a speech writer but I heard nothing. I found out later they hired a novelist with one published novel under his belt. He spent most of this time while employed working on his second novel. Three months after I applied, I received a call from a nursing home company about a job as a writer of policy and procedures manuals. I interviewed and was hired. I thought I would work for a year and move on to writing somewhere else. Thirty-seven years later I still work in the nursing home industry and write in my spare time. Sometimes when we don't know where we want to go, life will decide for us. And often the decision is the correct one.
If you know what it is you want to do with your life, that is great. If you don't know, don't worry. The river of life will take you where you need to go. And if you haven't written down your goals, check out my article on this page about goals. I was thirty-five before I learned the importance of goal-setting. If you set goals, you will accomplish a lot more.
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